נתון תתן לו, ולא ירע לבבך בתתך לו, כי בגלל הדבר הזה יברכך ה’ אלוקיך בכל מעשך, ובכל משלח ידך. כי לא יחדל אביון מקרב הארץ, על כן אנכי מצוך לאמר פתח תפתח את ידך לאחיך לעניך ולאביונך בארצך” (דברים ט”ו)”
“You shall surely give to him, and let your heart not feel bad when you give him, for because of this will G-d bless you in all your deeds and in all your undertakings. For the poor will not cease to exist within the land, therefore I command you saying, “You shall open your hand to your brother, to your poor one and to your destitute in your land.”
Yad Eliezer was established 40 years ago by Rav Yaakov Vizel and his wife Hadassah, who continue to stand at the helm of the organization. What began in an effort to provide a needy neighbor with food for her children, has grown to encompass numerous economic and social service programs that impact thousands of individuals each day.
Yad Eliezer’s mandate is to help families cope with financial difficulties, empower them to break out of the poverty cycle and achieve self-sufficiency. Some of our programs include the Big Brother/ Big Sister mentoring project for children at risk, baby formula for infants of needy families, assistance for underprivileged brides, grants for the Holidays, educational support for disadvantaged children, aid for widows and divorcees and more.
The budget for Yad Eliezer’s myriad projects is over 100,000 shekel annually. Our careful management, efficient distribution means, and well-developed network of thousands of volunteers, helps to ensure that we can keep our overhead low. We are proud to have been awarded the highest level rating of 4 stars by Charity Navigator.
Yad Eliezer’s mission continues as we fight poverty daily on all levels by providing both immediate relief and innovative support, which in turn produces long range solutions.